… an embodied mindfulness and movement workshop …
Saturday September 24, 2022
12-2pm EDT (9-11am Pacific, 6-8pm Europe)
Online via Zoom
$45 – contact sarah @ alchemySJLcatalyst.com to register – scholarships available
All bodies and movement abilities are welcome
Scholarships available
These times require so much of us. How can we meet the present, in ourselves and in the world, with a sense of purpose and possibility, instead of disruption and depletion? How can we engage with all that’s here – internally and externally – in a way that’s inspiring, empowering, and generative?
This season offers the energy of resets and renewal, harvest and abundance, gathering seeds and preparing for what’s next. It reminds us of the dynamic balance between light and shadow, creation and decomposition, re-membering and re-visioning. The paradox and potential of both/and, instead of either/or.
This workshop is an opportunity for you to realize and attend to what you have and what you need. To reconnect and recharge, to resource and reflect. Come gather in collective to reclaim your attention, to honor what matters most to you, to activate your intentions.
Using the catalysts of movement practice, embodied mindfulness, and creative process, we will explore, experience, express. Cultivate courage and en-couragement. Develop our capacities for moving and being still, sitting with questions and discerning right action.
The alchemy of the equinox is an invitation to remembering, harvest, and renewal – so that we can do what we’re each called to do: for ourselves, for each other, for the world.